
Everyone loves great testimonials! Ladies who plug in to our training and attend our events love what they learn and want to come to more events and learn, connect, grow and prosper even more!

And here’s a happy testimonial from a Mirelli member after we met to discuss her goals and put together a 90-Day Action Plan

testimonial from a happy Mirelli member


And a happy testimonial from one of our Discussion Roundtable events


Here’s how Mirelli has helped a member launch her motivational speaking career:

“I am so happy to be along for the ride. I would not be the person that I am today if it weren’t for Mirellientrepreneurial women. I remember when I first joined and I had a pitiful website (won’t mention where), and the first thing we did was get me a new and professional site that was also user friendly. Before Mirelli I had no idea what a “Media Kit” is. When we finished working on my “Media Kit”, I told Katrina that after reading what I had said about myself, I now wanted to meet that person. I know that sounds strange, but when you put your material together you have to present something that makes people want to get to know you. I had never thought of it that way before Mirelli. Needless to say, I am extremely proud of my journey so far, and so confident in my abilities, and looking forward to bigger adventures because of who I have become through my membership and association with Mirelli.”

— Mirelli member Geri Mason


And another  happy member!

And another!

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