It’s time to publish a new edition of If She Can …
We’ve done it twice — If She Can … Inspiring Stories of Grit, Hope & Courage published in 2019 and If She Can … Encouraging Stories of Faith, Fire & Fight published in 2020. It was going to be a bi-annual thing, but then Covid …

It’s time to get it back on track because there are SO many inspirational stories out there to be told.
SO … if you are a woman who has solved a problem, overcame an obstacle, survived a close call, or just has a story that might encourage and inspire another woman, then let’s chat.
Your story will be 1,500 to 3,000 words long. You can include up to 4 photos — one of which must be a headshot. We plan to publish in summer 2025, so the deadline for your story submissions will be early March.
Your investment will be $479, and that includes publishing via KDP (Amazon) and Ingram Spark, with you listed as a co-author, creating an Amazon Author Central page if you don’t already have one, 10 author copies to give away or sell (you can then order more), listing of the book in multiple book directories, and a multi-venue book signing tour.
Limit of 20 co-authors.
Interested? Email Trina@Mirellietc.com.