It’s Time to Change Your Brain’s Money Blueprint
Let’s face it. Most of our brains have a pretty messed up money blueprint. Our money blueprint is comprised of all of your experiences in and around money from the moment you were born until today. They all get embedded in our subconscious and form our internal beliefs and attitudes.
If you are struggling with money. If you are not achieving what you KNOW you deserve, then it’s time to change your brain’s money blueprint. So here are ten steps you can start to take today to re-train your brain.
Change Your Money Blueprint
Read Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. This book has been responsible for changing the money blueprints of hundreds of thousands readers. It’s well worth the read.
Start playing the “money game” to win, not to “not lose.” You have to learn how to take calculated risks with your money. You have to start learning about investments, starting with how to smartly invest in yourself.
Set at least three financial goals and write them down. Put them in various places throughout your daily routine so that you have to see them several times every day (bathroom mirror, refrigerator, tape to the front door, set a phone alert). Spend at least 5 to 10 minutes each day reading your financial goals and keep reminding yourself why it’s important to you and your family that you achieve those goals.
Make a decision that you are going to do your BEST every day to move toward your financial goals. And you must honor that decision. You truly do need to get into a DAILY habit of thinking about your money goals. What you focus on shows up in your life more often than not. This is not a “one day and done” process. It has taken a lifetime to create the money blueprint that is keeping you broke, so it will take some time to change it.
Start to manage whatever money you have, even if it is $1. Divide it up, allocate some, save some, spend some, share some. And if it’s supposed to be saved, then you CANNOT spend it until you have reached your savings goal.
Take a business card or index card and write the statement, “I am earning $X dollars this month” and carry it with you everywhere. Look at it at least 5 times a day and read it out-loud to yourself. The trick is that you are conditioning your mind to look for ways for you to earn money.
Find a way to read about money every day. Find a money blog online, subscribe to Money or Fortune magazine, go to the library and borrow some books about money, financing, or investments. Even 10 minutes a day will do wonders at changing your money blueprint.
Keep a money journal. Write down every penny that you spend. And write down every penny that comes to you, either through a paycheck, a gift, found on the ground – however it came to you. Acknowledge that it came and be grateful.
Focus ONLY on income, not on debt. Whenever a bill comes in, say “I am earning money to pay this.” Do not allow yourself to get emotional about debt. Get excited about earning money.
Create a list today of all the possible ways money could flow to you, even unlikely magical ones. There are more ways than you think for money to show up. Be willing to accept and receive them all. And seriously, stop turning away money. I know I’ve done it. Someone offered to pay me and I have said, “Oh, no, that’s okay.” It wasn’t until the words were out of my mouth that I realized what I had done. I had rejected money. What I should have said was “Of course, I would be happy to be paid.”
So those are just ten ideas on how to start to change your internal money blueprint. If I haven’t mentioned your favorite trick, please share it in the comments below. Abundance is available to us all if we will allow it.
Here’s to your success,
This is very good advice , very motivational! thanks I will do your suggestions!
Thanks for your comment Kimberly! It takes some work, but you CAN change your mindset. Good luck!
I only recently became aware of just how screwed up my money mindset had become. When I was growing up my mother nagged me to distraction about marrying for money not love, so of course she was thrilled when at 20 I became involved with a very wealthy man. Enter Richard – a poor guy who had a great sense of humor and spirit of adventure – and more to the point he rebelled against the whole concept of wealth. Predictably I ended up staging a rebellion of my own and married the poor guy. What I didn’t realize then was he was poor because he spent every penny he could get his hands on and later in our marriage that meant drugs and alcohol. Through all of this my mindset eventually equated money as the root of all unhappiness so after my divorce I thumbed my nose and high paying advancement opportunities instead earning only enough to be comfortable and take care of necessities and gladly giving my work away for free. It took quite awhile for me to realize how dysfunctional my attitude toward money had become and even longer to begin turning things around, but you are so right about it being possible when we put enough effort into the process. Thanks for the inspiration!
Wow Marquita. Thanks for sharing. Yes, we can really allow our money blueprint to get screwed up. I turn down money all the time — WHY? I have learned that I feel I don’t deserve to be paid — I equate money with greed — I feel selfish if I have money and someone else doesn’t — so many problem money issues — but I am working through them — I am getting better — I am doing the hard work and it is paying off. Glad you got something out of the post. Just know I am rooting for you to live the life of your dreams. Good luck and thanks for commenting.
Hi Trina! Nice to meet you. Thank you for your practical tips about creating financial abundance. These are great ways to see the value of our relationship with money! -Stacey
Thanks for reading. I have been on my own journey to change my money blueprint because I have discovered that my dreams and ambitions are WAY bigger than my brain apparently has capacity for — so I’m re-training my brain. These were just some of the activities I have adopted that seem to have really made a difference.