Want to Feel Successful? Create Success Habits

Want to Feel Successful? Create Success Habits

Successful people often have success habits that the rest of us don’t really think about. For instance, I know a gentleman who has developed a habit of going to exotic or expensive car dealerships once a month. He started going when he was a low-level manager in corporate America driving a beat-up Honda Civic. He now is a multi-millionaire. He attributes a lot of his success to the visualizations he created when he walked around those lots, when he sat in those cars, and when he went for test drives. He felt successful and he imagined how it would feel to actually own these cars, even if it was only for 30 minutes a month.

success habitsAnother woman I know has always invested in a maid service. Sometimes, she could only afford one thorough spring cleaning. Other times, she has paid for weekly service. But she has always planned and budgeted for someone else to clean her house. When she pays for that service, she feels successful. That’s her success habit.

Do You Have Any Success Habits?

Success Habits

In both instances, my friends have developed a habit that triggers a feeling of success. That’s their success habit. When they engage in that activity, they create an emotional response that represents to them what success to feel like.

Creating a positive emotion around success is very powerful.

If you don’t already have some success habits in place, here are some suggestions that you may want to consider adopting. They are not overly expensive but the feelings you create when you treat yourself in these ways will go a long way in strengthening your resolve to move toward your dreams.

Success Habits

  • Get a massage on a regular basis
  • Get your nails or hair done
  • Get your shoes shined
  • Get dressed up and go to the symphony or out to dinner
  • Get your car hand-washed and waxed
  • Go to a high-end clothing store and try on something that makes you look fabulous
  • Buy hand-made soap or other item that makes you feel luxurious
  • Get a shirt or slacks tailored

So what is your success habit? What do you do to put yourself in a successful frame of mind? What could you start doing regularly and deliberately to create a feeling of success? Share your favorite success habit below. We’d love to know.

Have a super successful day,


P.S. Another success habit is to hang around and associate with successful people. If you’d like to join our vibrant community of successful, uplifting and inspiring women, join Mirelli Entrepreneur Training for Women today. We are all defining success our way and would love to have you join us.



  1. Great article! Good advice. I will make making a success habit a priority!

    • I’m sure you will! Make sure you let us know what success habits you start. We’re sure your success will be phenomenal.

  2. Yes! Yes! Yes! I started having a home/office cleaner a bunch of years ago and I don’t know how I ever lived without it.

    Thanks, this is a lovely post.


  3. Thanks , yes fortnightly cleaner if high on my 2015 have list. Amazing how we don’t have success habits as NO 1

    • Suzie, I know! It’s just little things but they such a difference in attitude and how you feel about the progress you are making in business and in life. If you know you are destined to have a housekeeping service, start NOW. Don’t wait. It does great things for your self-esteem. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I meditate every morning, getting myself in to that high vibe. Or should I say, allowing myself to be there? As I have learned recently that being ‘there’ is actually a natural way of being. Holding back, worrying etc is learned bahavior… At least, that is what I learned about myself. Knowing that, it is really easy to get in to that vibe… Just stop doing what you are doing to resist it….

    Great article!

    • Congrats on your meditation habit. Worry doesn’t change anything, so we should all try to avoid it. I’m so glad you stopped by.

  5. For years I get a facial and massage at least every other month. Keeps me sane.

  6. This article stuck with me the most and have read it several months ago. Inspiring.

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